The Irish Community in the UAE
There are approximately ten thousand Irish people living and working in the UAE. Along with this comes an enormous volume of opportunity to connect with other Irish people, culture, sports, arts etc. We have listed some of the groups below. More information for members also available in our forums on events etc.
Message from Ambassador Cronin
A cháirde Gael
I would like, first of all, to congratulate Chairman Terry Kane and all of the Committee on the launch of the new Dubai Irish Business Network website. It is an important moment in the evolution of the Network as the pre-eminent Irish business grouping in the Gulf region. I was present when Terry introduced the new website at the January Business Breakfast and the online future of the Network looks and sounds very exciting indeed. It will elevate the digital presence, personality and impact of the Network to a whole new level.
The Members Private Area looks particularly exciting, opening up myriad networking opportunities for members. That this new resource will enable us all to connect with each other so easily and so fluently will bring enormous benefits to the members and to the organisation itself. I know that in my role we often look to the Irish community for advice or expertise in a particular area or on a particular topic. That task should now be much more straightforward with immediate access to a ready-made database of the best of Irish talent in the UAE and in the region.
I am very much looking forward to using this and other parts of the updated website and am particularly looking forward to shortly adding an Embassy page to the already impressive menu of options and resources available to members. The look, feel and shape of the website is a credit to all involved and I wish the Dubai Irish Business network and all of its members many more years of success.
Táim ag tnúth le húsáid a bhaint as seo agus gnéithe nua eile den suíomh Gréasáin nuashonraithe agus táim ag súil go mór le leathanach Ambasáid a chur leis an roghchlár atá lán cheana féin de roghanna agus acmhainní atá ar fáil do chomhaltaí. Tá cuma, mothú agus cruth an tsuímh Ghréasáin ina chreidiúint do gach duine a bhí páirteach ann agus guím gach rath ar líonra Gnó Éireannach Dubai agus ar a chomhaltaí go léir.
Aidan Cronin
Ambassador of Ireland
January 2022

Middle East GAA
The Middle East Board is the youngest International County Board in the GAA, having been formally established in the 2013/14 season. Since the inaugural season, GAA in the region has grown at an exponential rate. The Board facilitates games in all codes – hurling, camogie and men’s/ladies football.